Collaboration Tools for Teachers and Administrators

I have been thinking a lot about what tools are most helpful for teachers in their classrooms and for PD sessions. These are some of my favorites and I use them in my training sessions whenever possible.       

Twitter - Have participants to tweet their exit tickets - this would be a great way to get the whole Staff/Class/Team/Grade Level on Twitter! #faday
Create a 30 sec Voki and share - Turn and Talk without turning!
Socrative -  A Student Response System, mostly Q&A but definitely fun and there are lots of pre-made quizzes available online to use or adapt for your needs. Works great on iPads too!
Infuse Learning - Another great SRS which also includes drawings, really powerful!
Popplet - Easy to collaborate, share, embed and much more! One of the best visual organizers out there!
Today's Meet - backchannel, awesome to set up and leave running during a presentation
Titan Pad - Allows for many to work on the same document, great for backchanneling, colors and fonts are fun!